Space training opportunities

627 training opportunities for the UK and European space sectors, last updated 8 October 2024. Curated by Space Skills Alliance.



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    Space Optics: Systems and Applications

    Workshop (Durham) by Durham University · Free · Current

    This inaugural event has been organised with the primary goal of fostering cooperation, collaboration, and coordination in the field of space optics, spanning academia, research, and industry. Additionally, it aims to underscore the broader significance of optical design and manufacturing capabilities within the UK.

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    Satellite Optical Communications

    Short course (Online) by University of Oxford · £595 · Past

    The Satellite Optical Telecommunications (online) course is a 3 half-day course that will give a complete introduction to satellite optical communications. Participants will learn the basics of communication optics and technology challenges related to satellite optical communications and will receive an overview of current existing optical systems and technologies. The course has been conceived and developed by specialists from the European Space Agency (ESA) and from the University of Oxford. Technology-specific lectures provide the perspective from the major space industry market leaders, ESA specialists (TIA/TEC) and Oxford professors. The target audience is professionals interested in gaining a comprehensive introduction to satellite optical communication.

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    Signal Processing, Statistics and Analysis

    Short course (Shrivenham) by Defence Academy of the United Kingdom (DAMOD) · POA · Current

    This short course is a module from the Military Electronic Systems Engineering MSc (MESE) it is also shared by Guided Weapons System (GWS) MSc course. It is delivered by Cranfield University on behalf of the Defence College for Military Capability Integration, Defence Academy. This course provides the analytical tools required to describe the signals found in communications and sensor systems and also the techniques employed in such receivers. This course is a foundation module for anyone who is intent on studying communications, radar and electro-optics systems at masters level.

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